The iliopsoas compartment is a retroperitone...
CT scan and MRI are the preferred imaging modalities; definitive diagnosis is made through image-guided percutaneous drainage (PCD) and culture.
Abscess aspirate...
Most cases require PCD or open surgical drainage and parenteral antibiotics (16–20% success with antibiotics alone) (5)[B].
CT-guided PCD is initial procedure of choice due to its safe and n...
Akhan O, Durmaz H, Balcı S, et al. Percutaneous drainage of retroperitoneal abscesses: variables for success, failure, and recurrence. Diagn Interv Radiol. 20...
K68.12 Psoas muscle abscess
266463007 Iliopsoas abscess
Psoas abscesses are rare, retroperitoneal collections of pus resulting from hematogenous, lymphatic, or contiguous spread of infection.
Primary psoas abscesses are due to hematogenous o...
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FIG. 11 Diabetic patient with acute spontaneous onset of low back pain and fever. <bold>A,B:</bold> Dramatic elements of two-level spondylodiscitis, L3-5, with secondary communicating psoas abscess component.
FIG. 11 Diabetic patient with acute spontaneous onset of low back pain and fever. <bold>A,B:</bold> Dramatic elements of two-l...