Anabolic-androgenic steroid...
Based on history and physical exam
The WADA uses the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) as part of a comprehensive anti-doping program to reveal the physiologic effects of doping.
The WADA ABP ...
Treatment is limited by the fact that AAS abusers rarely seek assistance.
AAS abuse/dependence is complicated by
High frequency of comorbid body image disorders including muscle dysmorphia
Few ...
Dodge T, Hoagland MF. The use of anabolic androgenic steroids and polypharmacy: a review of the literature. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011;114(2–3):100...
Anabolic steroid use is not limited to elite athletes.
Suspect anabolic steroid abuse in at-risk patients with consistent clinical features.
Discuss steroid use in an unbiased manner.
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Figure 17.4 Cholesterol and synthesis of the principal sex steroid hormones. Broken arrows indicate where one or more intermediate reactions occurs. The enzyme aromatase directly converts testosterone into estradiol.
Figure 17.4 Cholesterol and synthesis of the principal sex steroid hormones. Broken arrows indicate where one or more intermediate reactio...