A fluid-filled synovial sac arising in the popliteal fossa as a distention of (typically) the gastrocnemial-semimembranous bursa; not a true cyst
Can be unilateral or bilateral
Most fr...
Painless mass arising in the popliteal fossa
Most cysts are asymptomatic.
Dull ache if cyst is large enough to impede joint motion—typically a restriction of flexion
Painful if cyst rupt...
No treatment if asymptomatic
Treat any associated underlying conditions.
Compressive wrap or sleeve for comfort
Variable; many cysts remain asymptomatic.
Some cysts resolve with treatment of underlying etiology (e.g., gout, rheumatoid arthritis).
In children, most cysts resolve without treat...
Akagi R, Saisu T, Segawa Y, et al. Natural history of popliteal cysts in the pediatric population. J PediatrOrthop. 2013; 33(3): 262– 268. [View A...
M71.20 Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker], unspecified knee
M71.21 Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker], right knee
M71.22 Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker], left knee
Baker cyst: a fluid-filled synovial sac arising in the popliteal fossa as a distention of (typically) the gastrocnemial-semimembranous bursa; not a true cyst; often secondary to menisc...
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FIGURE 25-17. Diagnostic arthroscopy of the knee. Anterior cruciate ligament.
Popliteal cysts are fluid-filled herniations of the synovial membrane of the knee joint.