Precise etiology remains incompletely understood; strong genetic association
Clinical manifestations are driven by hypera...
Key symptom: recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most frequent initial presenting symptom (65–70%); present in 97–100% during disease course, occurs in all three clinical subty...
Depends on severity of system involvement and medication monitoring
Periodic ophthalmologic examinations
M35.2 Behcet’s disease
N77.0 Ulceration of vulva in diseases classified elsewhere
310701003 Behcet’s syndrome (disorder)
198231000 Ulceration of vulva in Behcet’s disease (disorder)
BS is a clinical diagnosis; utilizing clinical diagnostic criteria are helpful.
Consider BS in patients presenting with recurrent oral and genital ulcers.
Treatment depends on severity o...
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Behcet disease
Aphthous stomatitis in Behçet's syndrome. Large, painful erosions and extensive aphthae are evident on the lips and tongue of this woman. From Goodheart HP. Goodheart's Photoguide to Common Skin Disorders: Diagnosis and Management, 3rd Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
Aphthous stomatitis in Behçet's syndrome. Large, painful erosions and extensive aphthae are evident on the lips and tongue of this woman. F...
Serpiginous ulcer of penis in patient with mouth and eye findings. Likely Behcet disease.