A purulent collection within the brain most commonly arising from hematogenous sources of infection (pulmonary, cardiac, renal), contiguous spread (sinusitis, dental, and mastoiditis...
Recent onset of progressive headache
New focal neurologic deficit or hemiparesis
Altered mental status progressing to stupor and coma
Nausea, vomiting, lethargy
Emergency neurosurgical consultation is recommended for brain abscess.
If associated with sinusitis, endoscopic sinus surgery may be indicated.
Treatment of brain abscess requi...
Prolonged ICU stay may be required in critically ill patients.
May need long-term rehabilitative care
Most patients get a follow-up MRI and/or...
A54.82 Gonococcal brain abscess
G09 Sequelae of inflammatory diseases of central nervous system
G06.0 Intracranial abscess and granuloma
A06.6 Amebic brain abscess
B43.1 Pheomycotic brain absce...
Headache, altered mental status, and seizure are common presenting symptoms of a brain abscess.
Determining the portal of entry and source of infection is helpful but not always possibl...
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<bold>FIGURE 61-5</bold> <bold>Contrasted computerized tomography scan of a patient with left occipital brain abscess.</bold> The necrotic material in the abscess center appears dark (hypodense). The white rim surrounding the abscess is its wall, which is visualized because of its vascularization and contiguous vasodilation. There is surrounding hypodensity, representing edema.
<bold>FIGURE 61-5</bold> <bold>Contrasted computerized tomography scan of a patient with left occipital brain abscess....
<bold>Fig SK 6-10. Brain abscess.</bold> (A) Nonenhanced CT scan shows vasogenic edema in the right anterior parietal white matter. The isodense ring of the abscess capsule can be seen (white arrow). (B) Contrast-enhanced study shows a thick but uniformly enhancing capsule with the beginnings of a daughter abscess anteriorly (arrow). The enhancement of an abscess is typically circular and nearly uniform except along the medial surface.<sup>11</sup>
<bold>Fig SK 6-10. Brain abscess.</bold> (A) Nonenhanced CT scan shows vasogenic edema in the right anterior parietal white ma...
<bold>Figure 12.50. Brain abscesses. A.</bold> Left frontal brain abscess. CT image after intravenous contrast enhancement shows the rim of the abscess to enhance (<italic>arrowheads</bold>). Notice the surrounding edema (<italic>open arrows</bold>). <bold>B.</bold> Left occipital lobe abscess (*) following contrast enhancement.
<bold>Figure 12.50. Brain abscesses. A.</bold> Left frontal brain abscess. CT image after intravenous contrast enhancement sho...
<bold><italic>Figure 23-29</bold> Brain abscess.</bold> An abscess in the basal ganglia in a patient with bacterial endocarditis. The deviation of the midline resulted from unilateral cerebral edema.
<bold><italic>Figure 23-29</bold> Brain abscess.</bold> An abscess in the basal ganglia in a patient with bacteria...