Gold standard of diagnosis is positive blood culture
Beta-D-glucan assay is sensitive, but not specific for diagnosis of candidiasis as Beta-D-glucan is present in cells of different fungi. C...
Begin empiric antifungal therapy
Remove all intravenous catheters if possible. Removing cen...
Obtain follow-up blood cultures for all patients with candidemia once treatment is initiated and all catheters are removed to ensure eradication...
B37.7 Candidal sepsis
P37.5 Neonatal candidiasis
B37.89 Other sites of candidiasis
B37.0 Candidal stomatitis
B37.49 Other urogenital candidiasis
B37.2 Candidiasis of skin and nail
B37.9 Candidias...
Consider invasive candidemia in high-risk febrile patients not responding to appropriate antibiotic treatment.
Start antifungal therapy on all candidemic patients within 24 hours of a p...
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Candidiasis. The oral cavity of a patient with AIDS is covered by a white, curdlike exudate containing numerous fungal organisms.
Candidiasis. A periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain shows numerous septate hyphae and yeast forms.
Candidiasis The thick white coat on this tongue is due to Candida infection. A raw red surface is left where the coat was scraped off. This infection may also cause redness of the tongue without the white coat. AIDS, among other factors, predisposes to this condition.
Candidiasis The thick white coat on this tongue is due to Candida infection. A raw red surface is left where the coat was scraped off. ...
Cutaneous candidiasis of the axillae. This patient has diabetes. Note the satellite pustules. From Goodheart HP. Goodheart's Photoguide to Common Skin Disorders: Diagnosis and Management, 3rd Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
Cutaneous candidiasis of the axillae. This patient has diabetes. Note the satellite pustules. From Goodheart HP. Goodheart's Photoguide to ...
Cutaneous candidiasis of the groin. The characteristic “beefy red” plaque and satellite pustules are seen here. From Goodheart HP. Goodheart's Photoguide to Common Skin Disorders: Diagnosis and Management, 3rd Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
Cutaneous candidiasis of the groin. The characteristic “beefy red” plaque and satellite pustules are seen here. From Goodheart HP. Goodhear...