Highly contagious, generalized exanthem characterized by crops of pruritic vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes following exposure to varicella-zoster virus (VZV)
VZV is acquired...
Prodromal symptoms: fever, malaise, anorexia, headache
Malaise, muscle aches, arthralgias, and headache are more common in adults
Subclinical in ~4% of cases
Characteristic rash
Supportive/symptomatic treatment
Oral antihistamines and/or oatmeal baths for itch
Calamine lotion for itch
Acetaminophen and/...
Not needed in mild cases. Intensive supportive care may be required in the setting of complications.
Activity as tolerated. Children may return t...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chickenpox (varicella) for healthcare professionals. https://www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/hcp/index.html. Accessed March 24, 2023...
B01.9 Varicella without complication
B02.9 Zoster without complications
P35.8 Other congenital viral diseases
Z20.820 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to varicella
38907003 varicella...
Varicella zoster infection is more likely to produce serious illness in adults than in children.
Introduction of the varicella vaccine has significantly reduced morbidity and mortality....
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Varicella: back, child
FIG. 11.57. (A, B) Varicella. This patient displays the typical findings in varicella. Lesions occur in different stages. Most characteristic are vesicles and "dewdrops" (2- to 3-mm fine vesicles on a 4- to 5-mm base of erythema).
FIG. 11.57. (A, B) Varicella. This patient displays the typical findings in varicella. Lesions occur in different stages. Most characteris...
FIG. 11.58. Varicella. This child also displays typical lesions.
FIG. 15.12. Herpes zoster involving the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. The patient presented with 6 days of eye pain and rash that included vesicles on the nose.
FIG. 15.12. Herpes zoster involving the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. The patient presented with 6 days of eye pain and rash ...
Rash of varicella on abdomen in pregnant woman.
Rash of varicella: Crops of lesions in various stages (vesicles, pustules, scabs).
Congenital varicella syndrome.
<bold>Figure 66-3</bold> Breakthrough varicella. Note the "dew-drop-on-a-rose-petal" appearance of this lesion in a child previously immunized against varicella. (Courtesy of Esther K. Chung, MD.)
<bold>Figure 66-3</bold> Breakthrough varicella. Note the "dew-drop-on-a-rose-petal" appearance of this lesion in a child prev...
<bold>Figure 66-4</bold> Varicella. Note the various stages of the lesions: papular, vesicular, and crusted lesions. (Courtesy of Shirley P. Klein, MD.)
<bold>Figure 66-4</bold> Varicella. Note the various stages of the lesions: papular, vesicular, and crusted lesions. (Courte...
FIG. 11.61. Varicella pneumonia. Severe pneumonia developed in this patient shortly after she developed vesicular skin lesions that were positive for varicella-zoster virus by direct fluorescent antibody. Varicella causes a diffuse, miliary pattern.
FIG. 11.61. Varicella pneumonia. Severe pneumonia developed in this patient shortly after she developed vesicular skin lesions that were p...
FIG. 11.62. Zoster. This child has a mild outbreak of zoster of the chest. The lesions are virtually identical to the exanthem of primary varicella, other than being confined to a single dermatome.
FIG. 11.62. Zoster. This child has a mild outbreak of zoster of the chest. The lesions are virtually identical to the exanthem of primary v...
Herpes zoster in a 13 yo with a pruritic eruption for 3 days
Herpes zoster (shingles) in a thoracic dermatome