Colic is defined as excessive crying in an otherwise healthy infant.
A commonly used criteria is the Wessel criteria or the Rule of Three, when crying lasts for:
>3 hr/day
>3 days...
Evaluation for Wessel criteria or Rome IV criteria.
Thorough history to rule out organic causes.
Episodes usually have a clear beginning and end and generally occur more often in the af...
Soothe by holding and rocking the baby (1)[B].
Use a pacifier (1)[B].
Use gentle rhythmic motions (e.g., strollers, infant swings, car rides) (1)[B].
Use white noise (e.g., v...
Anheyer D, Frawley J, Koch AK, et al. Herbal medicines for gastrointestinal disorders in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Pediatrics. 2017;139(6)....
Colic is defined as excessive crying in an otherwise healthy infant (3 hr/day, 3 days/week, persists >3 weeks).
Colic usually subsides spontaneously by 3 to 5 months of age.
Provide a...
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