Medications or procedures that control timing of pregnancies and prevent unintended pregnancies
Options are divided into two major categories: hormonal and nonhormonal.
Review past medical, family, social, obstetric, and gynecologic histories including menstrual history, prior contraceptive use, and prior sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Estrogen-progestin contracept...
1-3 months post-initiation to assess tolerance
Consider IUD string-check 1 month after insertion; spontaneous expulsion rate highest in the 1st m...
Z30.9 Encounter for contraceptive management, unspecified
Z30.41 Encounter for surveillance of contraceptive pills
Z30.431 Encounter for routine checking of intrauterine contracep dev
Z30.09 E...
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<bold>FIG. 27.9.</bold>The Mirena intrauterine device. A: Insertion of Mirena into uterine cavity. B: The arms of the Mirena are released. C: Mirena is positioned near the uterine fundus. D: Releasing the Mirena IUD and withdrawing the inserter. E: The Mirena IUD.
<bold>FIG. 27.9.</bold>The Mirena intrauterine device. A: Insertion of Mirena into uterine cavity. B: The arms of the Mirena a...