Benign congenital lymphatic mass (LM) that is cystic in nature
Most commonly found in the posterior triangle of the neck (75%)
Can be found in other sites of the body, including the ax...
Dependent on the anatomic subsite, 75% occur in posterior triangle of the neck.
Patients may present with new-onset obstructive sleep apnea or other signs of potentially life-threateni...
Referral to an otolaryngologist is recommended for p...
Routine follow-up with surgical team
Encourage regular dental health maintenance, especially for intraoral lesions.
Avoid trauma to the area directly surrounding LM...
Bajaj Y, Hewitt R, Ifeacho S, et al. Surgical excision as primary treatment modality for extensive cervicofacial lymphatic malformations in children. I...
A cystic hygroma is a soft, smooth, nontender, and compressible mass that transilluminates; most commonly, it is found in the posterior triangle of the neck.
LMs noted at birth or early...
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