A life-threatening condition resulting from intoxication by digitalis (digoxin).
Toxicity can occur as acute ingestion of medication or as chronic toxicity most commonly due to decrea...
For patients at risk for toxicity from chronic use, a thorough medication review is necessary. This includes asking about the initiation of new medications, discontinuation of previou...
There are no evidence-based guidelines for mild to moderate digitalis toxicity.
Severe toxicity as indicated by significant dysrhythmia requires hospitalization and possible a...
Psychiatric referral is indicated for all intentional overdoses.
In chronic toxicity, close follow-up by a primary care physician or cardiologist is recommended if...
T46.0X1A Poisoning by cardi-stim glycos/drug simlar act, acc, init
T46.0X2A Poisn by cardi-stim glycos/drug simlar act, self-harm, init
T46.0X4A Poisoning by cardi-stim glycos/drug simlar act...
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