Acute respiratory tract infection typically presenting as a membranous pharyngitis, caused by the gram-positive facultative anaerobic bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Greek name ...
Membranous pharyngotonsillar diphtheria
Sore throat
Malaise, fever, and prostration
Nasal diphtheria
Rhinorrhea (often unilateral)
Often chronic, mild course
Obstructive laryngotracheitis
Appropriate health care generally entails:
Consider admission to monitor cardiac and respiratory status (must act on presumptive diagnosis because therapy cannot wait for cult...
ECG, cardiac enzymes, neurologic status, and respiratory status; seri...
A36.2 Laryngeal diphtheria
A36.3 Cutaneous diphtheria
A36.89 Other diphtheritic complications
A36.85 Diphtheritic cystitis
A36.83 Diphtheritic polyneuritis
A36.9 Diphtheria, unspecified
A36.84 Di...
Culture, check immunization status, and consider antimicrobial prophylaxis (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts of known cases of C. diphtheriae.
Tdap is recommended between ...
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Diphtheric myocarditis. Focal degeneration of cardiac myocytes is evident.