80–85% of patients are asymptomatic. Of the 15–20% with symptoms, 1–2% will require hospitalization, and 0.5% undergo surgery.
The most common symptom is dull, colicky ab...
Diverticulosis: outpatient therapy with fiber supplementation and/or bulking agents (psyllium) (>30 g/day) (2)[A]
Uncomplicated diverticulitis: outpatient therapy (see exc...
Follow-up outpatients 2-3 days after initiating antibiotic therapy and then weekly thereafter until symptom resolution.
Repeat im...
K57.92 Diverticulitis of intestine, part unspecified, without perforation or abscess without bleeding
K57.13 Diverticulitis of small intestine without perforation or abscess with bleeding
Diverticulosis is common in elderly patients with a sedentary lifestyle who consume a Western diet.
Patients with diverticulosis benefit from a high-fiber diet
Antibiotics may not be nec...
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FIG. 2.61. Sigmoid diverticulitis. <bold>A:</bold> Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted image through the pelvis in a patient with acute diverticulitis shows marked colon thickening with high signal intensity pericolonic fluid and edema (<italic>arrows</bold>). <bold>B:</bold> Fat-suppressed T1-weighted gradient echo image at same level as <bold>(A)</bold> shows enhancement of inflamed tissues (<italic>arrows</bold>).
FIG. 2.61. Sigmoid diverticulitis. <bold>A:</bold> Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted image through the pelvis in a patient with...
<bold>Fig GU 25-4. Colovesical fistula</bold> secondary to diverticulitis. CT scan shows gas in the bladder (arrows).<sup>47</sup>
<bold>Fig GU 25-4. Colovesical fistula</bold> secondary to diverticulitis. CT scan shows gas in the bladder (arrows).<sup...
Figure 18-79<bold>BARIUM ENEMA, DIVERTICULAR DISEASE.</bold>Double-contrast barium enema demonstrates multiple outpouchings (diverticula) within the sigmoid colon (<italic>arrows</bold>).<bold><italic>COMMENT:</bold></bold>These diverticula are round and smooth, without evidence of barium extra vasation. Diverticulitis can be associated with the se complicating changes.
Figure 18-79<bold>BARIUM ENEMA, DIVERTICULAR DISEASE.</bold>Double-contrast barium enema demonstrates multiple outpouchings (d...
<bold>FIGURE 39-6</bold> (<bold>Top left</bold>) Location of diverticula in the sigmoid colon. (<bold>Top right</bold>) A portion of the sigmoid colon, showing the haustra and teniae coli. (<bold>Bottom left</bold>) Diverticulosis. (<bold>Bottom right</bold>) Diverticulitis.
<bold>FIGURE 39-6</bold> (<bold>Top left</bold>) Location of diverticula in the sigmoid colon. (<bold>Top ri...
<bold><italic>Figure 15-26</bold> Colonic diverticulosis and diverticulitis. A,</bold> Complications of diverticular inflammation (diverticulitis). <bold>B,</bold> Detail of the anatomy of an acquired diverticulum.
<bold><italic>Figure 15-26</bold> Colonic diverticulosis and diverticulitis. A,</bold> Complications of diverticul...
<bold><italic>Figure 15-27</bold> Acute and chronic diverticulitis.</bold> In this cross-section of the colon, the opened bowel lumen appears at top center. The incision extends from the lumen into an abscess that has obliterated the diverticulum.
<bold><italic>Figure 15-27</bold> Acute and chronic diverticulitis.</bold> In this cross-section of the colon, the...
Diverticulosis. Diverticulosis seen in a segment of the descending colon.
FIGURE 35.3 The Hartmann procedure for diverticulitis: primary resection for diverticulitis of the colon. The affected segment (clamp attached) has been divided at its distal end. In a primary anastomosis, the proximal margin (dotted line) is transected and the bowel attached end-to-end. In a two-stage procedure, a colostomy is constructed at the proximal margin with the distal stump oversewn (Hartmann procedure, as shown) or brought to the outer surface as a mucous fistula. The second sta...
FIGURE 35.3 The Hartmann procedure for diverticulitis: primary resection for diverticulitis of the colon. The affected segment (clamp att...