The presence of bothersome postprandial fullness, early satiety, or epigastric pain/burning in the absence of causative structural disease (to include normal upper endoscopy) for at ...
Postprandial fullness (2)
Early satiety (2)
Epigastric pain (2)
Epigastric burning (2)
Symptoms for 3 months (2)
Alarm features include (3,4,5):
Unintended weight loss
Progressive dysp...
Reassurance/physician support is helpful (3,4)[C].
Treatment is based on presumed etiologies.
Discontinue offending medications (4)[C].
Routine endoscopy not recommended in dy...
Provide ongoing support and reassurance.
Consider upper endoscopy if persistent symptoms
Change medications if no difference in symptoms after 4 w...
Garcia-Etxebarria K, Carbone F, Teder-Laving M, et al. A survey of functional dyspepsia in 361,360 individuals: Phenotypic and genetic cross-disease analyses. Neurogastro...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Algorithm: Dyspepsia
Dyspepsia without underlying organic disease is classified as being functional or idiopathic.
Consider empiric acid suppression therapy as first line for functional dyspepsia.
Extensive ...
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<bold>FIGURE 38-1.</bold> In irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) , the spastic contractions of the bowel can be seen on x-ray contrast studies.
<bold>FIGURE 38-1.</bold> In irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) , the spastic contractions of the bowel can be seen on x-ray cont...
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Labeled