Glaucoma is a progressive decline in vision from damage to the optic nerve, and is usually associated with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eye. Angle-closure is a mechanic...
Patient may be asymptomatic as in PACS or may have acute symptoms as in APAC.
Acute symptoms commonly include unilateral:
Severe eye pain
Blurred vision
Eye redness
Halos around lights/obj...
For patients with acute symptoms (severe eye pain, blurred vision, eye redness, halos around lights/objects, headache, nausea and vomiting) and asymmetric pupillary response, obtain imm...
H40.20X0 Unsp primary angle-closure glaucoma, stage unspecified
H40.219 Acute angle-closure glaucoma, unspecified eye
H40.2290 Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, unsp eye, stage unspecified
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