Benign glandular proliferation of male breast tissue
Increase in estrogen activity relative to androgen leads to the development of gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia can be transient and may ...
If suspicious of hypogonadism, ask about erectile dysfunction, muscle mass, and decreased shaving frequency and libido.
Obtain a family history including Carney complex and Peutz-Jeghe...
Gynecomastia usually regresses spontaneously within 6 months of onset. Monitor for the first 6 months.
Neonatal and pubertal gynecomastia spontaneously resolves within 6 to 24...
4754008 Gynecomastia (disorder)
237451004 Pubertal gynecomastia
237449003 Drug-induced gynecomastia
237450003 HCG-induced gynecomastia
431498001 Idiopathic gynec...
Gynecomastia can be transient and may represent normal physiologic changes in neonates or adolescents. Gynecomastia presenting or persisting in adulthood is pathologic.
Lab and radiolog...
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<bold>Figure 29-2</bold> Gynecomastia. Adolescent male with Tanner III-IV genital staging and bilateral breast development with palpable breast buds, side view. (Courtesy of Christine Finck, MD.)
<bold>Figure 29-2</bold> Gynecomastia. Adolescent male with Tanner III-IV genital staging and bilateral breast development wit...
<bold>Figure 29-3</bold> Gynecomastia. Adolescent male with Tanner III-IV genital staging and bilateral breast development with palpable breast buds, front view. (Courtesy of Christine Finck, MD.)
<bold>Figure 29-3</bold> Gynecomastia. Adolescent male with Tanner III-IV genital staging and bilateral breast development wit...