Tight wrapping of an appendage such as the penis, fingers, toes, neck, or even...
Caregivers may have recognized the strangulation of the appendage or abnormal appearance.
Inability to console the child or persistent referred pain may be present (e.g., complaints of...
Use of sharp instruments can cause further trauma.
If required, immediate referral for removal under IV sedation or general anesthesia
When there are no signs of vas...
Discuss the risk of this condition and review prevention strat...
S30.842A External constriction of penis, initial encounter
S90.446A External constriction, unspecified lesser toe(s), initial encounter
S60.449A External constriction of unspecified finger, i...
This rare condition requires a high index of suspicion and thorough exam. A poorly consolable infant with no identifiable cause should be examined thoroughly to rule out hair tournique...
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