A continuum of increasingly severe illness caused by dehydration, electrolyte losses, and failure of thermoregulatory mechanisms when exposed to elevated environmental temperatures
Heat exhaustion: Symptoms are milder than in heat stroke, and there are no CNS derangements:
Fatigue, lethargy, weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, myalgias, headache, profuse sweating, ta...
For heat stroke: immediate body immersion in ice water to cool core temperature. Monitor hemodynamics and airway status (1).
Careful fluid and electrolyte replacement with no...
Rectal temperature monitoring: Cooling may be discontinued when the core temperature drops to 102° F (38.9° C) and sta...
Armstrong LE, Casa DJ, Millard-Stafford M, et al. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Exertional heat illness during training and compe...
T67.5XXA Heat exhaustion, unspecified, initial encounter
T67.0XXA Heatstroke and sunstroke, initial encounter
T67.3XXA Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic, initial encounter
T67.4XXA Heat exhaustion d...
Exertional heat stroke is a life-threatening medical emergency that requires immediate whole body cooling (cold/ice water immersion preferred).
The diagnosis of heat stroke includes an ...
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