Lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Chronic homelessness: lacking fixed, regular housing for at least 1 year, or at least four episodes of being unhoused in th...
Living conditions: location, access to food, restrooms, place to store medicines, safety
Prior homelessness: causes and circumstances
Family members, especially dependent children
Enlist community resources: mental health and substance abuse programs, free clinics, case management.
Health care maintenance: vaccinations (hepatitis A and B, Pneumovax, Tdap, influenza), c...
Patients with a history of nonadherence need additional support (e.g., case manager, outreach) to succeed in ongoing care after hospital discharge.
Limited telepho...
Z59.0 Homelessness
Z59.1 Inadequate housing
Z59.8 Other problems related to housing and economic circumstances
Z59.9 Problem related to housing and economic circumstances, unsp
Z59.3 Problems r...
Permanent supportive housing is an important step toward ending homelessness, in accordance with a Housing First approach.
Assistance in gaining access to benefits or providing help to ...
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