An acute inflammation or infection of the eyelid margin involving the sebaceous gland of an eyelash (external hordeolum) or a meibomian gland (internal hordeolum)
System(s) affected: ...
Localized inflammation (vs. involvement of the entire eyelid or surrounding skin)
Foreign body sensation in the eye
Symptoms may start as vague eyelid pain and inflammation, and then lo...
The hordeolum should not be expressed.
Warm compresses to the area of inflammation can help increase blood supply and encourage spontaneous drainage.
Good personal hygiene with...
Bamford JT, Gessert CE, Renier CM, et al. Childhood stye and adult rosacea. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006;55(6):951–955. [View Abstract on OvidMedline...
H00.019 Hordeolum externum unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.029 Hordeolum internum unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.039 Abscess of eyelid unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid
A hordeolum should not be expressed.
Warm compresses to the area of inflammation can encourage spontaneous drainage.
Application of an antibiotic ointment (e.g., erythromycin) to the mar...
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1.5. A: Stye of the upper eyelid.
1.5. B: Hordeolum pointing on the inner aspect of the lid and at the meibomian gland opening at the lid margin.
FIGURE 5.8 Hordeolum (sty). This is a painful localized infection or inflammation of the eyelid margin involving hair follicles of the eye lashes.
FIGURE 5.8 Hordeolum (sty). This is a painful localized infection or inflammation of the eyelid margin involving hair follicles of the eye...
FIG. 15.6. External hordeolum or stye.
FIG. 15.7. Internal hordeolum.