Hereditary neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive motor, cognitive, and psychiatric symptoms
Onset of symptoms typically occurs between age 30 and 50
Average survival 1...
Patients with an affected family member may present requesting investigation in the presymptomatic stage.
Physical symptoms are typically noted first, presenting with choreiform moveme...
Genetic counseling prior to testing and for children of those with confirmed disease
Speech, swallow, occupational, and physical therapy to preserve maximal function
Full activity as long as possible
Physical therapy (6)
Aerobic exercise alone or in combination with resistance training
Supervised gait training
Breathing exercises...
58756001 Huntington's chorea (disorder)
230299004 Juvenile onset Huntington's disease
230300007 Late onset Huntington's disease
230301006 Akinetic-rigid form of ...
HD is an autosomal dominantly inherited disease of insidious onset (typically) between 30 and 50 years.
There is no known cure, with life expectancy 10–20 years after clinical diagnosis...
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