Hyperkalemia is a common electrolyte disorder defined as a plasma potassium (K) concentration >5.5 mEq/L (>5 mmol/L).
Hyperkalemia depresses cardiac conduction and can lead to f...
Neuromuscular cramps, myalgias, muscle weakness or paralysis
Abdominal pain
Stabilize myocardial membranes. Initial treatment with calcium gluconate IV 1,000 mg (10 mL of 10% solution) over 2 to 3 minutes (5)[A]
With constant cardiac monitoring
Can repeat a...
Addison Disease; Hypokalemia
Algorithm: Hyperkalemia
14140009 hyperkalemia (disorder)
237847005 Hyperkalemic acidosis
237849008 Drug-induced hyperkalemia (disorder)
Emergency and urgent management of hyperkalemia takes precedent to a thorough diagnostic workup. Urgent treatment includes stabilization of the myocardium with calcium gluconate to pro...
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