Most commonly presents as a solitary, rapidly proliferating, dome-shaped, erythematous or flesh-colored papule or nodule with a central keratinous plug, typically reaching 1 to 2 cm ...
Lesion typically begins as a small, solitary, pink macule that undergoes a rapid growth phase, classically reaching a diameter of 1 to 2 cm, though size may vary.
Once the proliferativ...
Treatment of choice is an excisional procedure plus electrodesiccation and curettage (ED&C); however, there are several treatment options available (2)[C].
For aggressive tumors (>2 c...
The American Academy of Dermatology:
The Skin Cancer Foundation:
D23.9 Other benign neoplasm of skin, unspecified
D48.5 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin
L85.8 Other specified epidermal thickening
254662007 keratoacanthoma (disorder)
417264005 ker...
Suspect KA with a solitary, dome-shaped, erythematous or flesh-colored papule or nodule with a central keratinous plug.
If KA is in the differential diagnosis, elicit time frame of onse...
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Figure 10.44. Keratoacanthoma. This dome-shaped lesion arose over a matter of months. A central, keratin-filled crater can be seen.
<bold><italic>Figure 14.50.</bold> A.</bold> Squamous cell carcinoma. <bold>B.</bold> Keratoacanthoma.
Keratoacanthoma. A keratin-filled crater (right) is lined by glassy proliferating keratinocytes that invade the dermis.
<bold><italic>Figure 24-29</bold> Keratoacanthoma. A:</bold> This rapidly growing nodule appeared on the sun-exposed dorsum of the wrist. Note its volcano-like appearance. <bold>B:</bold> The microscopic study shows hyperplasia of the epidermis and a central core of keratin.
<bold><italic>Figure 24-29</bold> Keratoacanthoma. A:</bold> This rapidly growing nodule appeared on the sun-expos...
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip