Laryngitis is inflammation, erythema, and edema of the mucosa of the larynx and/or vocal cords characterized by hoarseness, loss of voice, throat pain, coughing, and often a negative...
Hoarseness, throat “tickle,” dry cough, and rawness
Dysphonia (abnormal-sounding voice)
Constant urge to clear the throat
Possible fever
Regional cervical lymp...
Limited but good evidence that treatment beyond supportive care is ineffective (1)
Supportive care consists of hydration, voice rest, humidification, and limitation of caffeine (1) .
Educate on the importance of voice rest, including whispering.
Provide assistance with smoking cessation.
Help the patient with modification of other predisposing habits or...
J37.0 Chronic laryngitis
J04.0 Acute laryngitis
J05.0 Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup]
29951006 Chronic laryngitis
45913009 Laryngitis
64375000 Acute laryngotracheitis
6655004 Acute lar...
Laryngitis is usually self-limited and needs only comfort care. Standard treatment is voice rest, hydration, humidification, and limit caffeine intake.
Refer to ENT for direct visualiza...
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