Chronic watery diarrhea caused by intentional or unintentional misuse of laxatives due to self-medication or provider error
System(s) affected: gastrointestinal, nervous, psychiatric,...
Practitioners must have a high clinical index of suspicion.
Suspect in patients with undiagnosed, refractory chronic diarrhea (>4 weeks)
Assess over-the-counter medication use, and t...
Behavioral support is essential in intentional use.
Wean patient off laxatives and supplements; substitute high-fiber diet and bulk preparations or short-term saline enemas.
Ongoing behavioral counseling
Careful medical support; frequent visits as needed
Assess serum electrolytes.
280982009 Abuse of laxatives (disorder)
27051000119102 Chronic abuse of laxatives (disorder)
236074001 diarrhea due to laxative abuse (disorder)
Laxative misuse may be intentional or unintentional.
When associated with eating disorders, laxative misuse is associated with more severe disease.
Consider laxative misuse in patients w...
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