An infection caused by the ubiquitous, weakly hemolytic, gram-positive bacillus Listeria monocytogenes; pathogenic to many species
Occurs most often in fetuses (disseminated infantile...
Common symptoms: fever, watery diarrhea, nausea, headache, myalgias, joint aches
Severe headache, fever, stiff neck, seizures
Irritability, lethargy, poor feeding in neonates
Illness dur...
No definitive drug of choice or duration of therapy
Most healthy, nonpregnant individuals with suspected Listeria gastroenteritis require only supportive therapy.
Antibiotic resistan...
Vitals, temperature
Repeat lumbar puncture at 5 to 7 days in CNS-affected patients.
Repeat blood cultures if endocarditis.
Repeat imaging studies i...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Listeria (Listeriosis). Accessed: 0 9 /20/2019
A32.9 Listeriosis, unspecified
P37.2 Neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis
A32.89 Other forms of listeriosis
A32.11 Listerial meningitis
A32.81 Oculoglandular listeriosis
A32.7 Listerial sepsis
Listeriosis is most common at the extremes of age.
In immunocompetent patients, 2 weeks of antibiotic therapy is sufficient for bacteremia. At least 3 weeks of therapy is required for C...
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