Accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the interstitial tissue causing swelling.
Lymphedema can develop when lymphatic vessels are missing or impaired (primary) or when lymph vessels are ...
First symptom is often painless swelling
Feeling of heaviness in the limb, especially at the end of the day and in hot weather
Initial: pitting edema, can spread proximally...
Seek optimal weight; early treatment of cellulitis; avoid trauma to affected area (direct injury, venipunctures, inept nail care, extreme heat/cold).
Achieve mechanical reduct...
Daily visit to thera...
I89.0 Lymphedema, not elsewhere classified
I97.2 Postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome
Q82.0 Hereditary lymphedema
205545009 Congenital elephantiasis
234097001 Lymphedema
254199006 Hereditary...
Affected skin has a heavy feeling, with painless swelling initially, later nonpitting swelling.
No medications, including diuretics, are useful.
Rule out DVT if unilateral limb affected ...
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<bold>Figure 47-5</bold> Congenital Lymphedema. Bilateral foot swelling noted by the mother of a newborn, 4 days following hospital discharge. (Courtesy of Jan E. Drutz, MD.)
<bold>Figure 47-5</bold> Congenital Lymphedema. Bilateral foot swelling noted by the mother of a newborn, 4 days following ho...
Edema secondary to lymphatic obstruction. Massive edema of the right lower extremity (elephantiasis) in a patient with obstruction of the lymphatic drainage.
Edema secondary to lymphatic obstruction. Massive edema of the right lower extremity (elephantiasis) in a patient with obstruction of the ...
Clinical picture of upper extremities showing marked edema.
Lymphadenopathy: arm, after breast cancer surgery and lymph node removal