Potentially deadly parasitic infection with Plasmodium species protozoa, transmitted to humans by Anopheles mosquitoes (1)
System(s) affected: cardiovascular, hematologic, renal, res...
Initial symptoms are nonspecific. Symptoms can develop as early as 7 days after exposure and as late as several months after exposure. Suspect malaria in ill patients returning from e...
Oral therapy for uncomplicated chloroquine-resistant Pf (most Pf), chloroquine-resistant Pv, or unknown species:
Artemether-lumefantrine (Coartem™): Tablet (tab) contains ...
Malaria chemoprophyl...
Abanyie F, Acharya SD, et al. Safety and Effectiveness of Intravenous Artesunate for Treatment of Severe Malaria in the United States—April 2019 through December 2020....
B51.9 Plasmodium vivax malaria without complication
B50.9 Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified
B52 Plasmodium malariae malaria
B53.0 Plasmodium ovale malaria
B52.0 Plasmodium malariae mal...
Consult CDC Yellow Book (https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/yellowbook-home) for appropriate chemoprophylactic agent when traveling to endemic areas.
Test for malaria in travelers return...
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Figure 16.17. A thin blood smear shows several P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. One erythrocyte has a ring form along its edge (appliqué form), and the other has a ring form that contains double dots of chromatin (arrow). Giemsa, 3400.
Figure 16.17. A thin blood smear shows several P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. One erythrocyte has a ring form along its edge (appli...
Figure 16.24. A blood film from a patient with P. vivax infection shows two microgametocytes and several ring forms. The microgametocytes have large nuclei with loose chromatin (arrow). Giemsa, 3400.
Figure 16.24. A blood film from a patient with P. vivax infection shows two microgametocytes and several ring forms. The microgametocytes...
Life cycle of malaria. An Anopheles mosquito bites an infected person, taking blood that contains micro- and macrogametocytes (sexual forms). In the mosquito, sexual multiplication ("sporogony") produces infective sporozoites in the salivary glands. (1) During the mosquito bite, sporozoites are inoculated into the bloodstream of the vertebrate host. Some sporozoites leave the blood and enter the hepatocytes, where they multiply asexually (exoerythrocytic schizogony), and form thousands of u...
Life cycle of malaria. An Anopheles mosquito bites an infected person, taking blood that contains micro- and macrogametocytes (sexual form...