Multidisciplinary team approach is paramount, including physical, occupational and speech therapy, mental health specialist, pharmacists, urologist, neurologist, and dietitia...
24700007 Multiple sclerosis (disorder)
428700003 Primary progressive multiple sclerosis
425500002 secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (disorder)
426373005 rel...
MS: an immune-mediated inflammatory disease causing demyelination, neuronal loss, and scarring within the CNS.
Most common cause of nontraumatic neurologic disability in young adults.
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<bold>Figure 12.49. Multiple sclerosis. A and B.</bold> Contiguous T2-weighted MR images show areas of ventricular plaques of high signal (<italic>arrows</bold>). <bold>C.</bold> (This is the same patient as in Fig. 12.39B.) T2-weighted image in another patient shows small periventricular plaques (<italic>solid arrows</bold>) as well as an area of left parietal infarction (<italic>open arrow</bold>). <bold>D.</bold> T1-weighted image in another patient shows plaques in the white matter (<italic>arrows</bold>).
<bold>Figure 12.49. Multiple sclerosis. A and B.</bold> Contiguous T2-weighted MR images show areas of ventricular plaques of ...
<bold>FIGURE 28-68. Multiple sclerosis.</bold> A coronal section of the brain shows periventricular plaques (darker areas) in the white matter (<bold><i>arrows</i></bold>).
<bold>FIGURE 28-68. Multiple sclerosis.</bold> A coronal section of the brain shows periventricular plaques (darker areas) in ...
<bold>Fig SP 22-2. Multiple sclerosis.</bold> (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image shows focal increased signal posteriorly (arrows) at the level of C3 in a normal-sized spinal cord. The plaque is approximately half a vertebral segment in length and is longer than it is wide. (B) Axial T2-weighted scan through the plaque shows the typical peripheral posterolateral location in cross section (arrow). Note that the plaque involves less than half the cross-sectional area of the cord. (C) Axial proton-densi...
<bold>Fig SP 22-2. Multiple sclerosis.</bold> (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image shows focal increased signal posteriorly (arrows)...
Figure 9.74. B: The magnetic resonance scan shows a demyelinating plaque that crosses the midline at the brainstem, accounting for bilateral median longitudinal fasciculus lesions.
Figure 9.74. B: The magnetic resonance scan shows a demyelinating plaque that crosses the midline at the brainstem, accounting for bilater...