Superficial inflammation of the lateral and posterior nail folds surrounding the fingernail or toenail. Develops after breakdown of barrier between nail plate and the adjacent nail f...
Localized pain or tenderness, swelling, and erythema of posterior or lateral nail folds
Acute: fairly rapid onset (2–5 days after trauma)
Chronic: at least 6 weeks’ duration
Previous tra...
Acute inflammation without abscess: warm water soaks or antiseptic soaks, and topical antibiotics (2). Consider oral antibiotics for more severe cases that do not respond to...
Acute: Postdrainage care consists of warm soaks or antiseptic soaks. Follow up in 24–48 hours after I&D to monitor for worsening infection.
Chronic: Avoid freq...
L03.019 Cellulitis of unspecified finger
L03.039 Cellulitis of unspecified toe
L03.011 Cellulitis of right finger
L03.012 Cellulitis of left finger
L03.031 Cellulitis of right toe
L03.032 Cellul...
Consider incision and drainage when appropriate.
For chronic paronychia, topical steroid is first-line treatment. Consider other differentials in nonresponders (e.g., rare causes: Rayna...
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Acute paronychia. Visible swelling, erythema, and discharge along the nail fold, yet the nail itself is intact.
Courtesy of Mary L. Brandt, MD.
Courtesy of Mary L. Brandt, ...
Elevation of the nail fold allows drainage of an abscess associated with an acute paronychia.
Thomas J. Zuber, E.J. Mayeaux JR., Atlas Of Primary Care Procedures. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004.
Thomas J. Zuber, E.J. Mayeaux JR., Atlas Of Pr...
FIG. 25.1. Paronychia of the right middle finger. The infection is clearly localized to the dorsal surface (A), although the pulp is slightly swollen (B) due to edema.
FIG. 25.1. Paronychia of the right middle finger. The infection is clearly localized to the dorsal surface (A), although the pulp is sligh...
Chronic green nail in patient who does dishwashing
Onychomycosis: superficial white, big toe
Onychomycosis: fingernails
In-grown toenail