Presenting symptoms include neurologic deficits, visual changes including diplopia, and headaches
Hyperprolactinemia: infertility, amenorrhea, galactorrhea, gynecomastia, impotence
Headache (sellar expansion)
Visual disturbances: bitemporal hemianopsia
Less common
Hyperprolactinemia: Dopamine agonists increase dopaminergic suppression of PRL.
Follow-up MRIs at 6 and 12 months after surgery
Involved hormone(s) are followed postoperatively, especially after radiation because hypopituitar...
254956000 Pituitary adenoma (disorder)
134209002 Prolactinoma (disorder)
254957009 Somatotroph adenoma (disorder)
254958004 Corticotroph adenoma
An incidentaloma is an asymptomatic microadenoma found on imaging. General labs include PRL, GH, IGF-1, ACTH, 24-hour urinary-free cortisol/overnight DMST, β-subunit FSH, LH, TSH, and ...
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A Female with Cushing's Syndrome
<bold><italic>Figure 18-19</bold> Cushing syndrome. A,</bold> Cushingoid obesity, including "buffalo hump" of dorsal fat. <bold>B,</bold> Cushingoid moon facies.
<bold><italic>Figure 18-19</bold> Cushing syndrome. A,</bold> Cushingoid obesity, including "buffalo hump" of dors...
<bold>Fig GU 36-1. Cushing's syndrome</bold> due to functioning cortical adenoma. A 4-cm mass in the left adrenal gland (arrows) is seen posterior to the tail of the pancreas and anterior to the kidney (K). The arrowhead points to the normal right adrenal gland.<sup>29</sup>
<bold>Fig GU 36-1. Cushing's syndrome</bold> due to functioning cortical adenoma. A 4-cm mass in the left adrenal gland (arrow...