A group of monogenic disorders that results in renal cyst development.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD).
Positive family history (15% are de novo mutations.)
Flank pain: 60%
HTN: 50% aged 20 to 34 years; 100% with ESKD
Renal failure
Presymptomatic screening of ADPKD is not ...
HTN: moderate sodium restriction, weight control, and regular exercise
Aggressive blood pressure control (<110/75) mmHg in subjects younger than 50 years of age with preser...
Q61.3 Polycystic kidney, unspecified
Q61.2 Polycystic kidney, adult type
Q61.1 Polycystic kidney, infantile type
Q61.19 Other polycystic kidney, infantile type
Q61.9 Cystic kidney disease, unsp...
Most PKD patients eventually develop ESKD. No specific treatment has been proven to prevent ESKD, but hydration and control of BP are reasonable goals.
Patients may benefit from a nephr...
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<bold>Figure 12-21</bold> Infantile polycystic kidney disease. Coronal image of a 24-week fetus demonstrates bilateral enlarged echogenic kidneys (arrows). Severe oligohydramnios is present.
<bold>Figure 12-21</bold> Infantile polycystic kidney disease. Coronal image of a 24-week fetus demonstrates bilateral enlarge...
<bold>Figure 9.42. Polycystic kidney and liver disease.</bold> Frontal <bold>(A)</bold> and lateral <bold>(B)</bold> radiographs of an infant after IVU show the dense nephrogram appearance to the massively enlarged kidneys. The lucencies within the kidneys represent the cysts. <bold>C.</bold> CT image shows multiple cysts in the liver. <bold>D.</bold> CT image through the kidneys in an adult patient show multiple renal cysts. Notice the enhancement of the surro...
<bold>Figure 9.42. Polycystic kidney and liver disease.</bold> Frontal <bold>(A)</bold> and lateral <bold>(B...
<bold>Figure 9.43. Polycystic kidney disease with renal failure. A.</bold> CT image shows multiple renal cysts. <bold>B.</bold> CT image through the pelvis shows a transplanted kidney (<i>T</i>).
<bold>Figure 9.43. Polycystic kidney disease with renal failure. A.</bold> CT image shows multiple renal cysts. <bold>B....
<bold><italic>Figure 19-9</bold> Hereditary polycystic kidney disease.</bold> Specimen from a 33-year-old man.
Graft for hemodialysis angio access - A self-sealing polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) silicone graft is used as an internal bridge (AV fistula) for vascular access in patients requiring maintenance hemodialysis. In the figure the graft bridges the brachial artery to the axillary vein
Graft for hemodialysis angio access - A self-sealing polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) silicone graft is used as an internal bridge (AV fistu...
Infantile polycystic disease. The dilated cortical and medullary collecting ducts are arranged radially, and the external surface is smooth.
Infantile polycystic disease. The dilated cortical and medullary collecting ducts are arranged radially, and the external surface is smoot...
<bold>Fig GU 8-2. Adult polycystic kidney disease.</bold> Nephrogram phase from selective arteriography of the left kidney demonstrates innumerable cysts ranging from pinhead size to 2 cm. The opposite kidney had an identical appearance.<sup>6</sup>
<bold>Fig GU 8-2. Adult polycystic kidney disease.</bold> Nephrogram phase from selective arteriography of the left kidney dem...
<bold>Fig GU 28-2. Adult polycystic kidney disease.</bold> (A) Parasagittal sonogram of the right kidney (PK) shows a random distribution of multiple cysts that vary dramatically in size. The normal reniform contour is maintained. (B) Parasagittal sonogram in a young, asymptomatic member of the family shows multiple cysts (C<sub>R</sub>, C<sub>L</sub>) in the right kidney (R) and liver (L). (D, diaphragm; H, head.)<sup>2</sup>
<bold>Fig GU 28-2. Adult polycystic kidney disease.</bold> (A) Parasagittal sonogram of the right kidney (PK) shows a random d...
<bold>Fig GU 33-1. Chronic renal failure.</bold> Parasagittal sonogram of the right kidney (RK) shows that the echogenicity of renal cortical tissue has increased to such an extent that it is now greater than that of the hepatic parenchyma (L). The renal medullary pyramids (P) are clearly visible in the right kidney. (D, diaphragm; H, head.)<sup>2</sup>
<bold>Fig GU 33-1. Chronic renal failure.</bold> Parasagittal sonogram of the right kidney (RK) shows that the echogenicity of...
FIGURE 3-2. Peritoneal dialysis, in which the dialysate is infused into the peritoneal cavity by gravity. (Reprinted with permission from Rosdahl, Kowalski. Textbook of Basic Nursing. 8th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003:1208.)
FIGURE 3-2. Peritoneal dialysis, in which the dialysate is infused into the peritoneal cavity by gravity. (Reprinted with permission from...
Fig 13-7. Peritoneal dialysis. A semipermeable membrane richly supplied with small blood vessels lines the peritoneal cavity. With dialysate dwelling in the peritoneal cavity, waste products diffuse from the network of blood vessels into the dialysate.
Fig 13-7. Peritoneal dialysis. A semipermeable membrane richly supplied with small blood vessels lines the peritoneal cavity. With dialysa...
Hemodialysis, external arteriovenous shunt. Illustration of the medial side of the right arm with an external arteriovenous shunt uses in hemodialysis.
Hemodialysis, external arteriovenous shunt. Illustration of the medial side of the right arm with an external arteriovenous shunt uses in ...
Hemodialysis, internal arteriovenous fistula. Illustration of the medial side of the right arm with an internal arteriovenous fistula used in hemodialysis.
Hemodialysis, internal arteriovenous fistula. Illustration of the medial side of the right arm with an internal arteriovenous fistula used...
FIG. 3.132. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Fat-suppressed T2-weighted image demonstrates extensive bilateral renal involvement with cysts (<italic>arrows</bold>).
FIG. 3.132. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Fat-suppressed T2-weighted image demonstrates extensive bilateral renal involveme...
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: Step 1 After applying a mask, a bag of dialysate is attached to the tube entering the patient's abdominal area so that the fluid flows into the peritoneal cavity. The mask is removed when this step is completed.
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: Step 1 After applying a mask, a bag of dialysate is attached to the tube entering the patient's ...