Acute abscess of a preexisting preauricular sinus
Preauricular sinus
First described by Van Heusinger in 1864
One of the most common congenital abnormalities of the head and neck region
Persistent preauricular ear pain
Redness in preauricular location
Fever (rare)
Erythema and induration in preauricular region
Possible fluid drainage from opening
Tenderness o...
Baatenburg de Jong RJ. A new surgical technique for treatment of preauricular sinus. Surgery. 2005; 137(5): 567– 570.
Q18.1 Preauricular sinus and cyst
L02.811 Cutaneous abscess of head [any part, except face]
204271000 Preauricular sinus (disorder)
609211000 Abscess of preauricular sinus (disorder)
Can be easily misdiagnosed as an infected sebaceous cyst
Mainstay of treatment is oral antibiotic therapy and possible needle drainage.
Incision and drainage should be reserved for compl...
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