Medical history, with an emphasis on the following but not limite...
Immunizations during pregnancy per CDC:
Tdap during each pregnancy (should be given between 27 to 36 weeks’ GA); hepatitis B and influenza. Likely safe include meningococc...
Z34.90 Encntr for suprvsn of normal pregnancy, unsp, unsp trimester
Z36 Encounter for antenatal screening of mother
Z34.00 Encntr for suprvsn of normal first pregnancy, unsp trimester
Z34.80 E...
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<bold>Figure 10-5</bold> In amniocentesis, the needle (arrows) is inserted through the uterine wall and into the amniotic cavity.
<bold>Figure 10-5</bold> In amniocentesis, the needle (arrows) is inserted through the uterine wall and into the amniotic cavi...
A. Translocation of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21 at the centromere. Loss of the short arms is not clinically significant, and these individuals are clinically normal, although they are at risk for producing offspring with unbalanced translocations. B. Karyotype of translocation of chromosome 21 into 14, resulting in Down syndrome.
A. Translocation of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21 at the centromere. Loss of the short arms is not clinically significant, and th...
Amniocentesis Unlabeled
Trisomy 21 in the karyotype of a child with Down syndrome. All other chromosomes are normal.