Known also as Rape Trauma Syndrome
Refers to trauma following sexual assault
May be experienced by all sexual and gender identities
Definitions (vary by jurisdiction on local, state, an...
Medical and forensic histories and exams should ideally be performed by providers with specialized train...
Employ enhanced sensitivity and privacy measures, as well as a trauma-informed care approach.
All cases of sexual violence must be reported immediately to the appropriate law ...
1-2 weeks: Counseling; pregnancy and gonorrhea and chlamydia re-testing, and vaginitis assessment
6, 12, and 24 weeks: sy...
T74.21XA Adult sexual abuse, confirmed, initial encounter
T74.22XA Child sexual abuse, confirmed, initial encounter
Z04.41 Encounter for exam and obs following alleged adult rape
Employ enhanced sensitivity and privacy measures, as well as a trauma-informed care approach, when providing care.
All cases of sexual violence must be reported immediately to the appro...
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Chlamydial mucopurulent cervicitis.
Disseminated gonorrhea: pustule with hemorrhagic base and necrotic center.
<bold>FIG. 125.1.</bold> Skin lesions characteristic of septicemia due to <italic>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</bold>. A: Hemorrhagic spot 5 to 6 mm in diameter on the upper arm; the gray area 1 to 2 mm in diameter in the center indicates necrosis. B: Pustulovesicular lesion on the finger of the same patient; the necrotic center is evident as a gray area.
<bold>FIG. 125.1.</bold> Skin lesions characteristic of septicemia due to <italic>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</bold>. A:...
FIG. 11.50. Disseminated gonococcemia. Neisseria gonorrhoeae may disseminate from mucosal surfaces via the bloodstream and produce arthritis/arthralgia and a rash. The most characteristic lesion is the hemorrhagic vesicopustule seen in the web space of the teenage girl's hand. There is a pustule on the sole of her foot.
FIG. 11.50. Disseminated gonococcemia. Neisseria gonorrhoeae may disseminate from mucosal surfaces via the bloodstream and produce arthrit...
Pathogenesis of gonococcal infections. Neisseria gonorrhoea is a gram-negative diplococcus whose surface pili form a barrier against phagocytosis by neutrophils. The pili contain an IgA protease that digests IgA on the luminal surface of the mucous membranes of the urethra, endocervix, and fallopian tube, thereby facilitating attachment of gonococci. Gonococci cause endocervicitis, vaginitis, and salpingitis. In men, gonococci attached to the mucous membrane of the urethra cause urethritis ...
Pathogenesis of gonococcal infections. Neisseria gonorrhoea is a gram-negative diplococcus whose surface pili form a barrier against phago...
Chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis. A photomicrograph of the liver from a patient with long-standing chronic active hepatitis B shows hepatocellular nodules and chronically inflamed fibrous septa.
Chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis. A photomicrograph of the liver from a patient with long-standing chronic active hepatitis B shows hepato...
Fig. 17-10 Urethral discharge associated with gonorrhea. This discharge may vary in color and copiousness and is accompanied by burning during urination.
Fig. 17-10 Urethral discharge associated with gonorrhea. This discharge may vary in color and copiousness and is accompanied by burning du...
<bold>FIGURE 2-10.</bold> The illusion of depth when using scanning electron microscopy clearly reveals the corkscrew shape of cells of the syphilis-causing spirochete, <italic>Treponema pallidum</bold>.
<bold>FIGURE 2-10.</bold> The illusion of depth when using scanning electron microscopy clearly reveals the corkscrew shape of ...
<bold><italic>Figure 20-19</bold> Syphilitic aortitis in tertiary syphilis. A,</bold> The aortic root is dilated, so that the valve does not seal properly during diastole (regurgitation), and the valve leaflets are thickened because of chronic inflammation and scarring. <bold>B,</bold> Marked left ventricular dilation and hypertrophy caused by aortic regurgitation associated with dilation of aortic root.
<bold><italic>Figure 20-19</bold> Syphilitic aortitis in tertiary syphilis. A,</bold> The aortic root is dilated, s...