Idiopathic intermittent episodes of vasoconstriction of digital arteries, precapillary arterioles, and cutaneous arteriovenous shunts in response to cold, emotional stress, or blunt ...
Symmetric attacks involving fingers
Family history of connective tissue disorder
Absence of tissue necrosis, ulceration, or gangrene
If after ≥2 years of symptoms, no abnormal cli...
Dress warmly, wear gloves, avoid cold temperatures.
During attacks, rotate the arms in a windmill pattern or place the hands under warm...
I73.00 Raynaud’s syndrome without gangrene
I73.01 Raynaud’s syndrome with gangrene
266261006 Raynaud’s phenomenon (finding)
361131008 Isolated primary Raynaud’s phenomenon (disorder)
Raynaud phenomenon is a clinical diagnosis.
Provocative testing is not recommended.
Initial presentation of Raynaud phenomenon after age 40 years suggests underlying (secondary) disease.
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Raynaud phenomenon. The tips of the fingers show marked pallor.
In Raynaud's disease, wrist pulses are typically normal but spasm of more distal arteries causes episodes of sharply demarcated pallor of the fingers.
In Raynaud's disease, wrist pulses are typically normal but spasm of more distal arteries causes episodes of sharply demarcated pallor of ...
Hallmarks of Raynaud's disease are color changes.
<bold>FIGURE 24-9</bold> Raynaud's phenomenon. The tips of the fingers show marked pallor.