Partial prolapse
Involves only mucosa
Frequently follows operative anal procedures (radial rectal folds prolapsed...
Presence of palpable or visible rectal mass
Rectal pain, bleeding, or soiling
Prior anorectal surgery
Spinal cord injury or defect
Constipation and straining
For acute cases: Prompt manual reduction. If there are signs of bowel compromise (e.g., gangrene), emergency surgery is indicated.
Place patient in lithotomy position or knee-...
Bordeianou L, Paquette I, Johnson E, et al. Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Rectal Prolapse. Dis Colon Rectum. 2017;60(11):1121-1131
57773001 Rectal prolapse (disorder)
71663002 Incomplete rectal prolapse
197213004 Complete rectal prolapse
Rectal prolapse most commonly involves females in their 5th decade.
In children, rectal prolapse is most common in children <3 years and typically resolves spontaneously.
In adults, t...
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FIG. 27.32. Rectal prolapse.
<bold>Figure 56-5</bold> Rectal prolapse seen in a male infant. (Courtesy of Mary L. Brandt, MD.)