A refractive error refers to the inability of the eye to produce a focused image on the fovea or central part of the retina. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from air ...
Difficulty seeing objects at a distance
Difficulty focusing on near objects or reading
Headaches (from squinting)
In children:
Sitting close to TV/computer screen
Declining grades
Spectacle lenses (glasses)
Soft/hard contact lenses
Exams recommended when starting school, entering college, with any change in vision quality, and at the age of onset of presbyopia (the need for...
H52.7 Unspecified disorder of refraction
H52.00 Hypermetropia, unspecified eye
H52.10 Myopia, unspecified eye
H52.4 Presbyopia
H52.202 Unspecified astigmatism, left eye
H52.6 Other disorders of ...
Vision screening should occur at each well-child visit.
Visual acuity testing performed at 3 to 5 years of age or at any time that there is concern about the child's eye movements, abil...
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