Compression of rotator cuff tendons and subacromial bursa between the humeral head and the structures comprising the coracoacromial arch and proximal humerus
Most common cause of atra...
Gradual increase in shoulder pain with overhead activities (Sudden onset of sharp pain suggests a tear.)
Night pain is common, exacerbated by lying on the affected shoulder or sleeping...
Rest initial, then mandatory supervised physi...
Physical rehabilitation is necessary, both in conservative course of treatment (i.e., NSAIDs, physical therapy, home exercises) and in surgical intervention.
An aggressive...
M75.40 Impingement syndrome of unspecified shoulder
M75.110 Incmpl rotatr-cuff tear/ruptr of unsp shoulder, not trauma
M75.120 Complete rotatr-cuff tear/ruptr of unsp shoulder, not trauma
Consider impingement syndrome in patients who engage in activities with repetitive overhead motions (e.g., swimming, throwing) who present with shoulder pain.
Atraumatic shoulder pain i...
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FIGURE 2-4. Arthroscopic acromioplasty and mini-open rotator cuff repair. A: The classic impingement sign occurs as the shoulder is placed in the position of maximum forward elevation, reproducing the patient's pain. B: Impingement of the greater tuberosity on the coracoacromial ligament occurs when the shoulder is forward-flexed to 90 degrees and internally rotated, reproducing the patient's pain.
FIGURE 2-4. Arthroscopic acromioplasty and mini-open rotator cuff repair. A: The classic impingement sign occurs as the shoulder is place...
Impingement Syndrome of the Shoulder Labeled
Figure 6-147 <bold>IMPINGEMENT SYNDROME: PAIN WITH ABDUCTION OF THE SHOULDER. T1-Weighted MRI, Coronal Oblique Shoulder.</bold> Note the hypertrophic deformity of the acromioclavicular joint (<italic>arrow</bold>). Note the intermediate signal intensity (<italic>arrowhead</bold>) within the atrophied and retracted rotator cuff (<italic>crossed arrows</bold>). There is also superior subluxation of the humeral head. These findings are consistent with complete rotator cuff tear. <bold><italic>COMMENT:</bold></bold> Entrapment of the sub...
Figure 6-147 <bold>IMPINGEMENT SYNDROME: PAIN WITH ABDUCTION OF THE SHOULDER. T1-Weighted MRI, Coronal Oblique Shoulder.</bold>...