Scleritis is a painful, inflammatory process of the sclera, part of the eye’s outer coat.
Categorized into anterior or posterior and diffuse, nodular, or necrotizing
Commonly associate...
Redness and inflammation of the sclera
Can be bilateral in about 40% of cases (1)
Photophobia and tearing
Pain ranging from mild discomfort to extreme localized tenderness
May be describ...
Patient in the active stage of inflammation should be followed ve...
H15.009 Unspecified scleritis, unspecified eye
H15.019 Anterior scleritis, unspecified eye
H15.039 Posterior scleritis, unspecified eye
H15.099 Other scleritis, unspecified eye
H15.059 Scleroma...
Episcleritis is a self-limited inflammation of the eye with mild discomfort.
Scleritis is a painful, severe, and potentially vision-threatening condition.
While both conditions can be as...
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1.62. Nodular scleritis is associated with painful, localized swelling and elevation of the episclera and sclera.
1.64. Scleromalacia perforans is a noninflammatory form of necrotizing scleritis characterized by scleral thinning, usually occurring in patients with advanced rheumatoid arthritis.
1.64. Scleromalacia perforans is a noninflammatory form of necrotizing scleritis characterized by scleral thinning, usually occurring in p...
1.60. A: Diffuse episcleritis in the superior perilimbal area. The conjunctival redness blanched with 2.5% phenylepinephrine, leaving the darker, radial episcleral vessels apparent.
1.60. A: Diffuse episcleritis in the superior perilimbal area. The conjunctival redness blanched with 2.5% phenylepinephrine, leaving the d...
Episcleritis in a 33-year-old man.