An immune reaction that results in antibody-antigen complexes (typically a protein and IgG/IgM) and triggers a systemic response
Often in response to vaccinations and medications
History of exposure to medication or serum in preceding 1 to 3 weeks
Absence of chronic constitutional symptoms
Common symptoms include:
Fever (>38.5° C)
Edema (especially facial)
Discontinue the offending agent; improvement usually seen in 48–72 hours.
Complete resolution of rash may take days to weeks; time to improvement depends on antigen half-life.
Bed rest during acute illness if severe arthralgia/myalgia
No indication for skin testing for β-lactam antibiotics because severe non–IgE-mediated reactions are dr...
Hempel C, Martin C. Getting under the skin of adverse drug reactions. Orthopedics. 2012; 35(10): 872– 876.
T80.6 Other serum reactions
T80.61 Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products
T80.61xA Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, init...
Consider serum sickness inpatients with rash, myalgias, and malaise and recent exposure to a foreign antigen.
Cutaneous drug reactions are among the most commonly reported adverse drug ...
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