Very common: ~40% of women surveyed in the United States have concerns regarding sexual function.
May present as a lack of sexual desire, impaired arousal, inability to achieve orgasm or pain wi...
Female Sexual Function Index, Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for Women, Brief Sexual Symptom Checklist, Decreased Sexual Desire Screener
The diagnosis requires that the sexual problem be r...
Set realistic goals and expectations (1)[C]. Address underlying medical and psychiatric conditions [C].
If SSRIs, consider switching to an antidepressant with fewer sexual adverse effects or...
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselor...
R37 Sexual dysfunction, unspecified
F52.0 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
N94.1 Dyspareunia
F52.31 Female orgasmic disorder
N94.2 Vaginismus
F52.6 Dyspareunia not due to a substance or known p...
Female sexual dysfunction is a common, complex, multifactorial problem.
Usually, patients with sexual dysfunction have a normal physical exam.
Symptoms of sexual dysfunction peak during ...
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