Patients typically describe dull, sharp, or deep pain along the lower leg that is resolved with rest.
Patients are often able to run through the pain in early stages.
Pain is commonly a...
Activity modification with a gradual return to training based on improvement of symptoms
Running on flat and firm surfaces can help minimize pain.
Patients should maintain fitn...
Once well, recommend gradual return to preinjury running pace.
Maintain stretching and strengthening exercises.
Identify and correct preinjury tra...
Abelson B. The tibialis anterior stretch–kinetic health. Accessed June 19, 2014.
S86.899A Other injury of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, unspecified leg, initial encounter
S86.891A Other injury of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, right...
MTSS is the preferred term for “shin splints.”
Diagnosis is based on a reliable history of repetitive overuse accompanied by characteristic shin pain; imaging only if strong suspicion f...
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