Shoulder pain commonly affects patients of all ages.
Causes include acute trauma, overuse during sports, infection, and activities of everyday living.
Age plays an important role in de...
Pain characteristics location:
Superior: AC pathology, trapezius strain
Lateral: RTC pathology, deltoid pathology
Anterior: proximal biceps tendinosis, labrum pathology
Diffuse pain: RTC ...
Treatment is based on underlying diagnosis.
In general, conservative therapy includes activity modification, analgesics, and/or anti-inflammatory medicines in association with appropriate reh...
M25.519 Pain in unspecified shoulder
45326000 Shoulder pain
267949000 Shoulder joint pain
20793008 Scapulalgia
RTC disorders (tendinopathy, tears) are the most common cause of shoulder pain in individuals >30 years of age.
Shoulder instability (acute dislocation/subluxation or chronic instabi...
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