Subclavian steal syndrome (SSS): a condition that results from stenosis or occlusion of the subclavian artery proximal to the origin of the vertebral artery, causing retrograde flow ...
Reduced BP of >15 mm Hg in the involved arm
Symptoms should be reproducible by exercising the arm.
A variation of the syndrome is the coronary SSS, which can only occur after coronary arter...
Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin (or clopidogrel, if intolerant of aspirin), especially in patients with concomitant coronary artery disease
Reduce cholesterol levels, if app...
Poststenting follow-up at 1-, 6-, and 12-month intervals initially and then yearly thereafter
Frequent neurologic review of systems and subclavian Doppler ultrasou...
Saha T, Naqvi SY, Ayah OA, et al. Subclavian artery disease: diagnosis and therapy. Am J Med. 2017; 130(4): 409– 416.
Takayasu arteritis/vasculitis is most common in young females. The aorta and its branches are the major vessels affected by inflammation, thrombus formation, and aneurysmal dilatation....
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<bold>Figure 2.53.</bold> Schematic drawing of the blood flow in the vertebral and basilar arteries, as well in the circle of Willis, where the left proximal subclavian artery is occluded. In some individuals the blockage of the left subclavian artery causes a "subclavian steal syndrome" with neurologic symptoms. Note the direction of blood flow indicated by the arrows. Similar situation may be encountered with occlusion of the right subclavian artery and reversal of flow in the right vertebral a...
<bold>Figure 2.53.</bold> Schematic drawing of the blood flow in the vertebral and basilar arteries, as well in the circle of ...
Figure 18-24 <bold>RIGHT-SIDED SUBCLAVIAN STEAL SYNDROME. A. Initial Digital-Subtraction Angiogram, Right Subclavian.</bold> Observe the focal stenosis (<italic>arrow</bold>) with post stenotic dilatation (<italic>arrowhead</bold>) of the subclavian (SC) artery. Note the lack of vertebral artery opacification compared with the normal common carotid artery (C). There is coexistent stenosis at the origin of the internal carotid artery (<italic>crossed arrow</bold>). <b>B. Delayed 15-SecDigital-Subtraction Angiogram, Right...
Figure 18-24 <bold>RIGHT-SIDED SUBCLAVIAN STEAL SYNDROME. A. Initial Digital-Subtraction Angiogram, Right Subclavian.</bold> O...