A complicated infection below the diaphragm
Synonym(s): sub- or infradiaphragmatic abscess
The subphrenic space is a peritoneal space on each side of the falciform ligament, directly b...
Recent abdominal surgery
Constitutional symptoms: fever, chills, diaphoresis, malaise
Pain: chest, shoulder (referred pain—Kehr sign), a...
Source control (percutaneous or surgical drainage of the abscess) and correction of any ongoing contamination (repair of leaking anastomosis or perforation); keep NPO until source identified...
K65.1 Peritoneal abscess
T81.4XXA Infection following a procedure, initial encounter
52478002 subdiaphragmatic abscess (disorder)
6212009 Postoperative subphrenic abscess (disorder)
Subphrenic abscesses are due to contamination of the sterile peritoneal cavity, most commonly with bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract.
Proper management involves determining the s...
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