Commonly, an inciting event 2 to 6 months previous to noted hair loss
Fear of becoming bald
Patients often present with evidence of hair loss with collections of hair or photographs
Headington JT. Telogen effluvium. New concepts and review. Arch Dermatol. 1993; 129(3): 356– 563. [View Abstract]
39479004 Telogen effluvium (disorder)
403328001 Chronic telogen effluvium (disorder)
TE is a self-limited form of nonscarring alopecia, most often acute.
TE is due to a premature conversion of a significant proportion of anagen (growth phase) hairs into telogen (resting...
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Traction alopecia: black patient, corn-row hairstyle
Ulerythema ophryogenes: eyebrow inflammation and alopecia
Figure 10.68. Madarosis, poliosis, alopecia areata, and trichotillomania. B: The patient's scalp shows areas of patchy alopecia and whitening of the remaining hair. The patient had previously undergone treatments for alopecia areata with intralesional corticosteroid injections without success. Metabolic evaluation revealed undiagnosed primary hypothyroidism.
Figure 10.68. Madarosis, poliosis, alopecia areata, and trichotillomania. B: The patient's scalp shows areas of patchy alopecia and whiten...
Male pattern balding.
Frontal fibrosing alopecia: female
<bold>John D. Rockefeller, Sr.</bold> This 1904 portrait shows the complete loss of scalp hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes that are characteristic of alopecia universalis. Courtesy of the Rockefeller Archive Center.
<bold>John D. Rockefeller, Sr.</bold> This 1904 portrait shows the complete loss of scalp hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes that a...
The patient's scalp shows areas of patchy alopecia and whitening of the remaining hair. The patient had previously undergone treatments for alopecia areata with intralesional corticosteroid injections without success. Metabolic evaluation revealed undiagnosed primary hyperthyroidism.
The patient's scalp shows areas of patchy alopecia and whitening of the remaining hair. The patient had previously undergone treatments fo...
Hair loss seen in a 34-year-old woman at 3 months after the onset of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome.
Hair-Growth Cycle Labeled
Hair Follicles in Baldness Unlabeled
Hair Follicles in Baldness Labeled
Human Hair. Baldness
Alopecia totalis
Discoid lupus - Scarring alopecia with scale in a woman with discoid lupus
Alopecia areata - sharp & focal non-scarring scalp hair loss i
Alopecia areata - sharp & focal non-scarring scalp hair loss in a young woman
FIG. 6.30. Alopecia areata is an idiopathic disorder causing noncicatricial hair loss. The lesions may be localized (A), patchy (B), diffuse (C), or occasionally universal.
FIG. 6.30. Alopecia areata is an idiopathic disorder causing noncicatricial hair loss. The lesions may be localized (A), patchy (B), diffus...
FIG. 26.5. Traumatic alopecia. (From Reece RM, Ludwig S. Child abuse: medical diagnosis and management, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001:29, with permission.)
FIG. 26.5. Traumatic alopecia. (From Reece RM, Ludwig S. Child abuse: medical diagnosis and management, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Wi...
<bold>Figure 5-4</bold> Alopecia areata. (Courtesy of George A. Datto, III, MD.)
<bold>Figure 5-5</bold> Traction alopecia. Alopecia where traction has been applied in association with hair brading. (Courtesy of Carrie Ann Cusack, MD.)
<bold>Figure 5-5</bold> Traction alopecia. Alopecia where traction has been applied in association with hair brading. (Courtesy...
<bold><italic>Figure 24-4</bold> Alopecia areata.</bold>