Painful thyroiditis:
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (nonsuppurative thyroiditis, de Quervain thyroiditis, giant c...
Hypothyroid symptoms (e.g., constipation, heavy menstrual bleeding, fatigue, weakness, dry skin, hair loss, cold intolerance)
Hyperthyroid symptoms (e.g., irritability, heat intoleranc...
If thyrotoxic and symptomatic: propylthiouracil and propranolol, except not used in PPT or painless thyroiditis
An elevated TSH level in a woman who is pregnant or attempting ...
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis: Repeat thyroid function tests every 3 to 6 weeks until euthyroid and then every 6 to 12 months.
Hashimoto dis...
E06.5 Other chronic thyroiditis
E06.0 Acute thyroiditis
E06 Thyroiditis
E06.4 Drug-induced thyroiditis
E06.1 Subacute thyroiditis
O90.5 Postpartum thyroiditis
E06.3 Autoimmune thyroiditis
E06.9 Th...
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<bold><italic>Figure 18-9</bold> Thyroid gland in hyperthyroidism. A,</bold> Normal thyroid. <bold>B,</bold> Hyperthyroidism. Note the overgrowth (hyperplasia) of follicular epithelium.
<bold><italic>Figure 18-9</bold> Thyroid gland in hyperthyroidism. A,</bold> Normal thyroid. <bold>B,</bol...