Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is an asymptomatic, noninfectious condition following exposure to an active case of tuberculosis. LTBI is usually detected by a screening skin/bl...
Assess risk; history of immigration from a high-risk area including those with temporary visas for school or work (note: TB screening for this type of visa is not required, unlike reg...
Must first exclude Active TB by history, physical exam, and lung imaging. Chest x-ray must be obtained within two months prior to starting LTBI treatment.
Treatment for LTBI i...
During treatment course for LTBI, monthly visits to assess adherence and monitor for signs and symptoms of active TP or signs of adverse treatme...
Treatment of LTBI is crucial to the control and elimination of TB disease in the United States.
Screen persons from TB-endemic countries, and treat those who are positive.
Screen househo...
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Necrotizing granuloma due to M. tuberculosis. A small tuberculous granuloma with conspicuous central caseation is present in the pulmonary parenchyma.
Necrotizing granuloma due to M. tuberculosis. A small tuberculous granuloma with conspicuous central caseation is present in the pulmonary...
Cavitary tuberculosis. The apex of the left upper lobe shows tuberculous cavities surrounded by consolidated and fibrotic pulmonary parenchyma, which contains small tubercles.
Cavitary tuberculosis. The apex of the left upper lobe shows tuberculous cavities surrounded by consolidated and fibrotic pulmonary parenc...
Miliary tuberculosis. Multiple millimeter-sized nodules are scattered throughout the lung parenchyma.
Tuberculous spondylitis (Pott disease). A vertebral body is almost completely replaced by tuberculous tissue. Note the preservation of the intervertebral discs.
Tuberculous spondylitis (Pott disease). A vertebral body is almost completely replaced by tuberculous tissue. Note the preservation of the...
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A smear of a pulmonary lesion shows slender, beaded, acid-fast bacilli.
Miliary tuberculosis. The cut surface of the lung reveals numerous uniform, white, nodules.
FIGURE 20.3. Chest radiograph (posteroanterior view only) demonstrating the radiographic presentation of miliary tuberculosis.
FIGURE 20.4. Chest radiographs (posteroanterior and lateral views) demonstrating cavitary reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection in the posterior apical segment of the right upper lobe.
FIGURE 20.4. Chest radiographs (posteroanterior and lateral views) demonstrating cavitary reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection in...
Figure 189.1. Chest radiograph demonstrating apical infiltrate with cavitation, typical of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Gross figure showing multiple small granulomas fill the lung parenchyma, characteristic of miliary tuberculosis.