Routes of Transmission
Insect bite
Arthropod vectors: ticks, flies, mosquitos
Handling of inf...
Explore leisure activities and recent travel history. Evaluate exposure history of contact with known vectors and reservoirs (e.g. game animals, free-roaming pets, wild rodents), lab ...
Doxycycline is not recommended. Use aminoglycosides and quinolones with caution .
Use aminoglycosides and quinolones with caution.
Monitor for signs of ototoxicity if long-term aminogly...
A21.9 Tularemia, unspecified
A21.0 Ulceroglandular tularemia
A21.1 Oculoglandular tularemia
A21.8 Other forms of tularemia
A21.3 Gastrointestinal tularemia
A21.2 Pulmonary tularemia
A21.7 General...
A high index of suspicion is required to diagnose tularemia.
If bioterrorism is suspected, contact authorities and coordinate rapid diagnostic testing through the Laboratory Response Ne...
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Tularemia. The lung shows firm, consolidated, and necrotic areas.
<bold>FIGURE 73-2</bold> <bold>Means by which tularemia can be acquired.</bold>
FIG. 11.17. Lymphadenopathy from tularemia. This boy has posterior cervical lymphadenopathy A: secondary to the ulceroglandular form of tularemia. B: Cutaneous lesions. Francisella tularensis was isolated from the lesions.
FIG. 11.17. Lymphadenopathy from tularemia. This boy has posterior cervical lymphadenopathy A: secondary to the ulceroglandular form of tu...
<bold>Fig C 12-2 Tularemia pneumonia.</bold> Air-space consolidation involving the right middle lobe and a portion of the right upper lobe. Note the right paratracheal nodal enlargement (arrow).
<bold>Fig C 12-2 Tularemia pneumonia.</bold> Air-space consolidation involving the right middle lobe and a portion of the righ...
Figure 162.2. Girl with cervical adenitis and draining fistula—pharyngeal tularemia, Kosovo, 2000.
Means by which tularemia can be acquired.
Engleberg NC, Dermody T, DiRita V. Schaecter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 4th Edition. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.
Engleberg NC, Dermody T, DiRita V. Schaecter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 4th Edition. B...
A purulent conjunctivitis with nodules is characteristic of this infection.
Gold, D.H., T. A. WeingeistColor Atlas of the Eye in Systemic Disease. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
Gold, D.H., T. A. WeingeistColor Atlas of the Eye in Systemic D...